At this point it seems like time is standing still. BLEH! I'd love to find a HPT that would tell me right now if my IPs are expecting! Everyone always talks about the tww - it is awful. I guess one thing to look forward to is we only have to wait 10 days for our first BETA. Six m,ore sleeps to go.
Once again though I'm finding myself obsessing about how early other surrogates, women ttc have see the BFP or the digital words "pregnant". After spending countless minutes, ok...hours on the Internet, I've come to the conclusion that I really should not even bother POAS until Saturday morning at the!
The cramping that I've had since Saturday has continued, but to my surprise it could just be a side effect from the Crinone. This was another big BOO! :( I finally read the pamplet that came with the medication to see what side effects were typical. Well I have about 5 of them - go figure! 1. Cramping 2. Heavy boobies (LOL) 3. Swelling 4. Frequent urination at night 5. Bloating
Honestly, I've been pregnant 6x myself - so you would think I would be able to tell the difference! Nope, not this stork.
At least it's hump day and my week is almost 1/2 over with. I do have a busy weekend with derby, charity walks, and a 3-year olds birthday party!!! I know these activities will keep my mind off of those pesky HPTs!
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