A Bright Star

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Glucose Testing

At my last doctor's appointment, Dr. V handed me this nice little bottle of orange liquid that would tell him whether or not I have developed gestational diabetes. In my past pregnancies, I've never developed it, but was surprised to have two very large babies that didn't result in c-section deliveries.
Here are some typical symptoms of women with gestational pregnancy diabetes:
Blurred vision, fatigue, increase infections, increased thirst, increased urination (I have this all the time!), nausea and vomiting.
Yesterday, I drank the orange drink - which didn't taste too bad. I remembered previously it being much thicker and nastier, but since Dr. V had me refrigerate it first that helped.
An hour later, I had to haul myself into the lab to have blood drawn. I've been going to the same clinic for almost 8 years now and the nurse pathologist has been the same, until today! I was so surprised to have someone new poking me. I am not fond of needles, especially when they are inexperienced so I was a little nervous. The nurse asked me 3x how to spell my last name before starting. I typically have good veins so it shouldn't be hard for anyone to get the blood, but for some reason, this new nurse decided she needed to dig around just a little. One vial was full and I was on my way. I can't imagine what would've been left on my arm if she needed to fill multilples.
Today I am left with a small bruise and a call from the doctor's office informing me that I do not have gestational diabetes! Yay!
Now, I can move on to the last trimester of the pregnancy with Little A moving around like a boxer. I have my next check-up on the 26th of October where Dr. V and nurse T will check my urine, weight, blood pressure, heartbeat and measure my every growing belly.
Once that is done I believe I'll be going to the doctor every two weeks until I am 36 weeks. Then, it will be every week.
It seems impossible that my IPs, my family, the agency and I are closer to the end of our journey than the beginning. I know my IPs are going to make wonderful daddies and I hope if and when they choose to have another child, they'll think of me to do this again for them.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

A View from the Womb

Once upon a time there was a woman with curly hair, just like that of Goldilocks, who carried a child - that's me - for my daddies. She began growing me in April of 2010 and will soon deliver me into their arms, but before we get to that part I'd (yes me, Little A) would like to share with you my view from her womb over the last week.

Let's begin with last Saturday. She and her DH were very hungry, but they couldn't decide what to eat. Now you all know, that I love Mexican, I've been making her eat it a lot over the past few months so I suggested they have more - ok, I really didn't, but I think I had something to do with it. Well they went to a local Mexican place for dinner where my Goldilocks ordered a vegetarian meal. She ate some chips and salsa prior to her main meal too. Once she started eating she began feeling a little uneasy. It could've been because I was punching and kicking her the entire time, trying to get her to have more salsa. There was one cheese enchilada on the plate with red sauce, and I knew as soon as she started that first bite that our night was going to take a turn for the worse. She immediately got sick and had to run to the bathroom! What was going on I thought? This has never happened to us - I love Mexican! She returned to the table feeling a little better, but wouldn't eat anymore. So here I was, in the womb, still wanting chips and salsa and not really sure how to communicate it to her without jabbing her again.

We all left the restaurant and returned home for a long night. Her stomach, which is right next to my womb, was churning and making these horrible noises all night long. Therefor, I couldn't sleep. I kept moving around and around, but finally nestled into a cozy spot, and we both fell asleep.

On Another Note...
I love my womb, but boy is there something close to me that is bothersome. It fills up and deflates often and wakes me up. I'm not sure what Goldilocks is doing every 2 hours but once she's done I have a lot more space to move around.

There's a loud noise that wakes me up and Goldilocks always switches position after she hears this. I almost feel like she's turning me upside down! Then, I hear this soft, soothing noise. It lasts for a little while then stops.

Everything is quiet until I hear another voice, it must be a little girl that knows Goldilocks. She is really loud. She sings a lot and plays music. I like the music she plays.

My womb doesn't seem to be getting any bigger, but I hope I am.