Here we are...week 30 starts tomorrow!
I am not sure how we got this far so quickly, but I am getting more and more excited for Little A's arrival. He's coming into the world filled with love and joy - his parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. He'll definitely be spoiled.
Last week, (10/26/11) I saw my doctor for the first time in 5 weeks. Nurse T went through the routine again - urine test, blood pressure (105/68), weight ---YIKES---Little A isn't so little anymore. Well, maybe it's me who isn't so little; let's just say we have officially hit the 30 pound mark in this pregnancy and I still have the holidays to get through.
Dr. V came into the room and talked about how I was feeling. I told him about all the heartburn I have; yes, I even have heartburn after eating a banana. I think Dr. V was surprised by this but it is the honest truth. Of course the old wives tale says, "A lot of heartburn in pregnancy means a lot of hair at birth." In Little A's case - he better come out a monkey! Just kidding...
Dr. V measured my uterus - we're at 31 weeks, which doesn't mean Little A will debut two weeks early, but we'll be closely monitoring my growth. Dr. V asked me if this was going to be my last pregnancy. I said, "Well since I am getting older..." He just laughed! Then, I told him the only way I would be pregnant again is for my IPs.
Then Nurse T came in and said my glucose was a little elevated! What?!? Dr. V wasn't worried, but asked me what I had for lunch. Oops! Wasn't I suppose to eat that vanilla shake? MMM...maybe I'll go get another one now.
Finally, at the end of the appointment he reminded me that it was time for my RhoGam injection. This is an injection to help me form antibodies against the baby since I am Rh Negative. Nurse T made an appointment for me on the 27th, but before I could go to that - I had to give blood (which was totally unexpected for this appointment). Thankfully, the nurse who drew my blood WAS NOT the same one as last week! This was my "normal" blood nurse. It was quick and painless with no bruising.
The appoinment was over, everything is moving along smoothly and I'll be back on November 16th (32 weeks). Then at 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, & 40 (baby due!!!)