A Bright Star

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

37 Weeks...

The past week has flown by - we've been really busy with our oldest child, Nathan, returning from the Air Force and celebrating one family Christmas.

Little A continues to wiggle around and kick me suddenly. I hope that I'll be able to see the outline of his foot before he makes his debut.

We had another check-up today. It's weekly now, but the nurse and doctor continue to test the same things: BP - 117/72; heart rate 83 (mine); weight gained 1.4 lbs (holiday cookies); tummy measurement: 37 cm; Little A's heart rate 130s.

Dr. V is predicting Little A will weigh in the 8 lb range :) This makes me happy because my first two children were 9+ pounders, but my last was only 8 lbs 5 oz and she was much easier to deliver. Of course he said this could quickly change, let's hope not!

One of my derby sisters is a photographer and I had her take some belly shots for me. I've always wanted pictures taken during pregnancy but never had the opportunity. She took them about a week ago and we had so much fun! The pictures will definitely be cherished by me.

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