I cannot believe I forgot to update last Wednesday! Technically, today we are 39 weeks into this pregnancy and still have NO baby to show for it! Well we have a baby, but he's turned into a large watermelon!!!
Last week's appointment was boring - no cervix check, but that was because I was not feeling many contractions. What's a girl to do? Of course I've read about all the ways to induce labor and nothing is guaranteed so why put yourself through a drink of castor oil? Not me!
Besides, my intended parents were still in France so I definitley need to bake Little A until January 8th when they'll both be in the United States.
Little A's heartbeat was in the 130s. I am not sure what I was measuring, I didn't ask - I feel gigantice! Everything the nurse tested on me was fine; although my blood pressure seemed a little high for me: 129/77. No worries from the nurse or doctor though!
My doctor reminded me again of three things: Go to the hospital if my water breaks; if my contractions are close together (5 minutes); and go to the hospital if I am not feeling Little A move around.
Until next week, right?
Nope...so that night, after my appointment I became very ill. I believe I had food poisoning!!! A sudden onset of puking and y'know, the other! My thought while puking was, "I am going to puke so profusely that my water is going to break!" HA HA
Then on Thursday I couldn't eat or drink hardly anything. Three pieces of toast and a little bit of sprite got me through the day - and A LOT of sleeping. I had chills all day long too. I was definitely dehydrated, but tried to keep as much fluid going in me that was coming out.
By Friday, I was feeling better, but not 100% until Saturday. I never called my doctor - I thought if I would've continued to feel bad on Friday I would have, but things turned around. Besides who wants to be put on bed rest in a hospital? Not me!
I am back to work this week, teaching my high school kiddos. Many of them were excited to see me return yesterday, because they were unsure if I would be here or not. I plan to make it through Friday, but will not return on Monday, January 9.
Today is the 39 week appointment. Let's see if anything has progressed and what my doctor thinks will happen!
Here's to Little A's approaching arrival :)
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