A Bright Star

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, May 27, 2011

Baby Blueberry

Baby Blueberry's 1st Ultrasound

May 26, 2010

Measuring: 7 weeks 1 day

Heartrate: 138 bpm

Right on target!

Congratulations to my IPs!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Well yesterday turned into a day full of morning sickness! I couldn't believe the wave of nauseousness that came over me around 11 AM. It was terrible. I felt so light-headed and I didn't have any snacks here at work. Once lunch rolled around, I ate a grilled cheese sandwich. It was so good. It also helped subside the dizziness.

After a couple of hours though, everything was back! This continued into the evening, all the way up until I went to bed. I realized taht I needed to make sure to take extra food for work today. I've been eating about every two hours and it seems to be helping. I can tell when it is time for a snack, because any movement causes my head to spin.

I looked up a question today: "How soon do you start showing in your later pregnancies?" Since I've been pregnant a few times, I know my tummy will pop out sooner but I didn't expect this! It's almost like those cartoon eyes from "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" Now it could all be a side-effect of the medications I'm taking, but I don't think so. I'm just under 7 weeks, I realize the little pea is turning into a blueberry, but this belly of mine is growing quickly.

Excited for the ultrasound Thursday.

Monday, May 23, 2011

6 weeks 5 days

Last week seemed to fly by. I finally went to the walk-in clinic to get some medication for my sinus infection. Dr. U is very thorough and was concerned about the pregnancy, but reassured me that amoxocillin was the safest drug to take. It was strange having him and the nurse congratulate me for being pregnant. Since this child is not mine, I don't feel it is "me" that should be celebrating, it should be my IPs.

My IPs sent an email late last week. They are so cute! They've told their families about the pregnancy, but they also know that the farther along I get the better chances of survival. I sent them a website address where they can look to see what is happening to their little embryo. They've never been pregnant before, so this is a whole new world for them.

Exciting stuff going on this week! Our first ultrasound is only three days away. I'm nervous but excited. Last time my DH and I went for this u/s, we did not receive good news. I am feeling so different about this one though- everything on my surrogacy journey this second time has been so positive and full of love, I am trying to be optimistic.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Final BETA = 1,865
More than doubled in 48 hours!!!

Set up my first ultrasound for May 26 @ 8:00 AM.

Now it's just more waiting...boo!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Only One More to Go!

An update:
11dp3dt - BETA 56
13dp3dt - BETA 161

16dp3dt - BETA 782!!! (this is almost 5x what it was at 13dp) - it's only supposed to double in 48-72 hours.

Tomorrow we have our final BETA. Then, the ultrasound will be the week of May 23, 2011.

At first I thought, there's one little french bean growing inside, but after yesterday's BETA...I'm not so sure. A surrogate friend of mine had a BETA of 345 at 13dp3dt and found out she's carrying twins!!! I've never carried twins, but I think it would be wonderful for my IPs to have two baby beans!

Symptoms to date:
Frequent urination
Heavy feeling in abdomen
Tender & tingling breasts
Mucus filled nose! BLEH!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

1st BETA

Went in this morning around 8:30 for my first blood draw. Waited all day. Then finally, my nurse emails me asking, "What lab did you go to? I haven't heard anything yet." Seriously?!? I couldn't believe it. Two other surrogates knew their results by noon today! I emailed her back and gave her contact information.

4:15 and I still hadn't heard anything!!! I called the lab myself. The receptionist said they faxed the information at 4:00 pm. ERR...So, I called my nurse, no answer. Sent her an email asking if she'd heard anything.

Then...it came. An email from her confirming the pregnancy! Woot! Woot!

I knew I was pregnant - I mean I've taken 5 tests since Sunday morning (May 1st) and they've all been positive, but knowing that the blood test was positive was even better news.

My IPs received their email too. They responded with such joy, enthusiasm and love.

Now we all continue to wait...until the next blood draw(s) - 5/6, 5/9 & 5/11.

Still waiting for some symptoms - I did sleep like a baby last night. I've had a runny nose now for two days. I read somewhere that is a symptom of pregnancy.

Until Friday...
The Rolling Stork

Monday, May 2, 2011


After testing for 3.5 days - with Clearblue tests (digital and +/-) I was still seeing a BFN. Although on 7dp3dt, the digital was working very hard. It kept blinking and blinking. I actually walked away a couple of times last Saturday night before it finally popped up saying, "not pregnant."

The next morning I woke and had zero tests left. I started cleaning the house for the birthday party and sent a text to my DH asking him to stop somewhere and pick up some more tests! What the heck! I've never been addicted to anyting in my life, but this POAS was spiraling out of control. Of course he knew of my obsession and went ahead and picked up - not one, but TWO boxes of the First Response Early Result. There were 5 tests! He thought that would keep me occupied until May 4th at least (BETA day).

I didn't run upstairs to POAS but I wanted to. I waited until I knew I really needed to go. At 10:00 am on May 1st my eyes finally saw a BFP! The two little pink lines were a sight!

I immediately emailed my IPs, my BF, my case worker and another surrogate. My IPs couldn't see the picture :( I was so sad. I wrote to them explaining that we had a BFP. They are so excited and will now wait for the BETA.

Two other surrogates and I all have had BFP in the last three days :) I'm so excited for all of us, but more than anything happy that all of our IPs will be expanding their families!


Now, as "The Rolling Stork" I am trying to figure out what to tell my teammates. They are an amazing group of women, but only being 4 weeks pregnant...I want to keep it a secret until I am past 8-10 weeks. Leaving my skates hangin'...literally.