A Bright Star

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Only One More to Go!

An update:
11dp3dt - BETA 56
13dp3dt - BETA 161

16dp3dt - BETA 782!!! (this is almost 5x what it was at 13dp) - it's only supposed to double in 48-72 hours.

Tomorrow we have our final BETA. Then, the ultrasound will be the week of May 23, 2011.

At first I thought, there's one little french bean growing inside, but after yesterday's BETA...I'm not so sure. A surrogate friend of mine had a BETA of 345 at 13dp3dt and found out she's carrying twins!!! I've never carried twins, but I think it would be wonderful for my IPs to have two baby beans!

Symptoms to date:
Frequent urination
Heavy feeling in abdomen
Tender & tingling breasts
Mucus filled nose! BLEH!

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