A Bright Star

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 7, 2012

39 weeks + 3 days...

We are definitely approaching the due date now! Wow - I can't believe Little A is almost here. Well, actually I can but it really does not seem likes it has been nine months.

I've really been blessed during this pregnancy. Everything has gone the way it should, Little A has been healthy and so have I. Let's just pray the delivery is smooth too.

One of my IPs brought his mother to our home on Thursday evening. They brought me the most beautiful red roses. Grandma or "Grand-mere" speaks French only, so my IP had to do all the translating. It was a wonderful visit with them - many pictures of my protruding belly were taken.

Tonight my other IP arrives from France. I'm glad Little A is waiting for his arrival too!

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